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Saturday, March 26, 2011

As a literalist. What depression and selfish attitudes mean to me.

The world overwhelms those within it. If we thought everyday about the struggles we are facing rather than just taking the steps to move forward, we would never get anywhere. If we put ourselves first, we lack the knowledge of knowing what others are going through, so we fail to help others as well as ourselves. I know from experience that its easier to wallow in self pity than to get things done, but things need to get done, so wipe those tears away. I know from experience that I like to clinically diagnose myself with a disorder. At one of my highest stress points a month or so ago, I went to Olin thinking I had breast cancer. We are more satisfied believing there is something wrong with us than believing everything will be ok. WHY? Because when we focus on ourselves we are living by the world. When we look to Jesus our Savior for "What Would Jesus Do," our minds do a 360. "You mean to say, Emmie, that I'm being selfish, and my depression is a lack of willingness given by the spirit to climb out of a hole?"
Believe it or not, yes I am. I know, because I woke up with tears this morning, and I am writing this blog entry because I need to stop centering my life around myself so that I focus on my project rather than my grades after I've taken anxiety down a notch. My maturity has come through Christ. This is where I've found a single verse to be powerful. There is an entire book of encouragement others fail to acknowledge. My tears are gone because I've turned to Christ's selfless attitude.

I woke up and prayed: Lord,
     Give me the knowledge to know what to say
     Give me the strength throughout the day
     Give me the encouragement to know what's true
     Because through my faith, I see you.

Phillipians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves 

prayer requests
My friend Sarah needs much prayer. She has turned to Christ but still is confronting a battle. I've never seen such a strong woman in Christ. She's gotten through a lot but God is allowing her to be tested so that she relies fully on him. Please pray for her.

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